Friday, July 25, 2014

Readings and References

Note that we focus on application of mathematical Methods to Economics and not on the theoretical mathematical economics. Please take note of this emphasis. Although often maligned as a not reliable source, Wikipedia provides the following condensed view of Mathematical Economics: Wikipedia: Mathematical Economics Overview. This article includes references to both old and current literature. We cannot believe that this pdf book is free, but then, it is an old edition. Alpha Chiang, Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, 3e, McGraw-Hill More resources from this link: Economics at work. . My students will be encouraged to explore this useful page. Be careful of download sites, which may be a security risk and may even be construed a a violation of copyright laws. More to come!

Suggested topics for Introduction to Mathematical Economics

Based on the contents of available textbooks, especially Alpha Chiang's, Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, and course descriptions from other universities, we will adopt the following tentative schedule, which is subject to change and even omissions.
Week 1,2 Handout of syllabus, course prerequisites checks, requirements, schedule of quizzes and exams, grading system, Nature of mathematical economics, economic models, equilibrum analysis
Week 3, 4, 5 Linear models and matrix algebra. First Quiz
Week 6,7,8 Comparative statics and concept of derivatives, rule for differentiation, general function models, First order difference equations
Week 9,10 Optimization problems, exponential and logarithmic functions, multiple choice variables, Second Quiz
Week 11, 12further topics in optimization.
Day 13 economic dynamics and integral calculus
Week 14 first order differential equations Higher order differential equations
Week 15 First order difference equations , Simultaneous diffferential and difference equations, Quiz 3
week 16 Optimal control theory, Dynamic Analysis, Quiz 4
Final exams


This is the official web page for the course Introduction to Mathematical Economic handled by Dr. Ernesto Adorio. It will present classnotes, sample problems, tutorials, manuals, and links to resources on the web. Please note that the class syllabus, and important announcements are available only in our private Facebook group to be setup in the near future. We hope that we can cover, study, and master the suggested topics for this course.